With an ever increasing amount of renewable power coming online in the UK, there is now a need for the grid to be able to react to these more unpredictable power sources.
An increasingly important way in which the grid reacts to intermittent generation is through ‘demand side response’. This means a flexibility in the amount of power that consumers are taking off the grid at any time. For instance, if there is a shortage of power at a particular time, one way in which the grid could be balanced would be through electricity consumers decreasing or shifting their demand to another time period.
At F&S we can provide you with a new source of revenue by making small adjustments to your electricity consumption where you have loads which could be variable. For example, when there is a high demand for electricity on the grid, we could make a small ‘load shift’ which could be a small reduction in your HVAC system for a short period of time which would be made up for after the high demand period was passed.
Through installing a box to your meters, using artificial intelligence, an automated energy manager will improve your business energy usage to provide savings in your energy charges. You are unlikely to see any changes in your energy usage at all, but you will receive an ongoing revenue share from providing this service.