If you’re looking to expand your business by attracting the increasing numbers of customers who want confidence that their purchasing choices are ethical, then start by looking at how you source your energy.
What is The Triple Bottom Line?
The success of a business used to be judged solely in terms of the net profit or loss made by the organisation, but today progressive companies cannot ignore ethical consumerism. Customers still expect value for money, but just as they have always looked at quality as well as price, purchasers increasingly choose the products and services that meet the moral criteria of assisting others and protecting the planet. One only has to look at the banking industry, which stresses ethical investments, and the increasing popularity of “Fairtrade” products in supermarkets, to understand that profit and loss is not the sole factor that attracts customers, or on which a company can be judged.
The concept of a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) takes into account more than just a company’s financial profit; it also considers social and environmental impacts to build an altogether more sustainable model for measuring business success. These can be summarised as the Three Ps: Planet, People, and Profit.
Awareness of the importance of sustainability and the preservation of natural resources has increased more than ever in recent years. Progressive organisations no longer focus solely on profit and loss. There is the realisation that if sustainability issues are ignored in the present, the price will have to be paid in the future.
By applying the TBL approach, companies can assess how each component of their business affects the environment. By considering factors such as consumption of finite resources, carbon footprint, water consumption, and the amount of waste and pollution produced, companies can take measures to reduce or even eliminate their ecological footprint. By striving for sustainable practices, companies will become more successful in the long run; it will not only make them more efficient but it will also make them more competitive, as consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of green practices.
One of the easiest ways to reduce carbon footprint is to change to a renewable energy supplier. At F&S Energy, none of our supplied energy comes from fossil fuels. We only purchase power from renewable generators across the UK, ensuring that all our electricity supplied to consumers is 100% renewable and REGO backed. In addition to avoiding fossil fuels, we also avoid electricity generated from the burning of imported woodchips from overseas logging operations. Unlike other green energy suppliers, we compete on market prices; our 100% renewable offering does not attract a price premium against traditional brown electricity supply.
By applying the TBL approach, companies can measure how their business practices impact on everyone; from the farmers supplying the raw materials, to the company workers and direct customers, to members of the local community.
Recent years have seen a movement to support local businesses. Not only does it improve the local economy, but purchasing locally also reduces carbon footprint. Customers are becoming far more conscious of how their money is spent; they want to know that their money is being ethically used and supporting causes they care about.
At F&S Energy, we only buy energy from 100% renewable generators within the UK. This ensures that, not only is all energy supplied to our consumers 100% green, but also that we are supporting smaller, independent generators and local economies. In addition to this, and especially with the uncertainty of what Brexit will bring, being able to rely on service providers within the UK is crucial for securing a more stable future for Britain as a whole. By using local, renewable energy generated within the UK, we are helping to provide energy security for the UK.
Ultimately, the financial bottom line is one that all companies share, whether they are using the TBL or not. However, when considering profit from a TBL point of view, the goal is that profits will benefit and sustain the community as a whole, not just the company and shareholders. The TBL approach doesn’t have to be formally implemented into a company’s reporting system if the cost of fully calculating and monitoring the environmental and social impacts is too great. It can still be used to drive improvements in the way a company impacts people and the planet if it is taken as a way of thinking.
For consumers choosing F&S Energy, we will match local renewable generators with your electricity supply needs, at the same price or cheaper than your existing supplier, helping you secure a more sustainable, competitive future for your business.
For generators selling us your renewable energy, you can be assured that you are receiving market leading rates for the purchase of your power, along with a friendly and personal service.
At F&S Energy we firmly believe that the future belongs to clean, renewable energy. By investing in local renewable energy, we are investing in a sustainable and secure future that is supportive of local communities and the UK economy. We want to encourage all other companies to do the same. An easy first step when considering taking the TBL approach is to consider your where your electricity comes from. Why not switch to F&S Energy, a 100% renewable energy supplier at no extra cost?
Imogen Kay, F&S Energy, 21st May 2019